I get this question a lot. What I love is that before I can even respond, I often hear, “I think I need it.”
Let’s face it.
Money is a loaded topic. It’s a source of identity, power, and shame. It can be a blessing and a curse in our relationships, communities, and societies. We need it and also wish we didn’t. We expect it to make us happy, save our marriages, and be there to help meet our basic needs while at the same time, we know that money can’t do it alone if at all in some cases. Many of us don’t feel confident managing or talking about money. We avoid it or pass the buck to someone else to manage.

In essence, Positive Money is about your relationship with money, not about money itself. Officially, it’s defined as a philosophy and a practice for having an abundant relationship with money that feels positive and leads to favorable results. It’s grounded by the 7 Principles of Positive Money and supported by a process and a practice that offers benefits far beyond your bank account. Unofficially, it’s a way to make financial decisions and interact with money that brings you back to what matters most.
When you make Positive Money moves, you make financial decisions and interact with money in alignment with your values and coming from a place of generosity, grace, and gratitude instead of fear, shame, and blame. What this looks like for busy moms, stressed-out business owners, and anyone else who struggles in their relationship with money is that you feel empowered, free, healed, relieved, and confident as you find grace in this messy place.
The Promise of Positive Money
The promise of Positive Money is that it can change how you think, act, and feel about money so you experience:
Greater ease and flow in your financial life.
More confidence in responding to money challenges.
Empowerment and ownership in your relationship with money.
Connection to what matters most.
With Positive Money your tomorrow could look quite different than your today.
Today, you avoid paying bills and wonder how you’ll ever get out from under the mountain of debt you’re carrying. Tomorrow, you’re debt-free and paying bills on time.
Today, you don’t know what to say to your children when they ask to buy something outside the family budget. Tomorrow, you feel confident in talking to your kids about money.
Today, you feel frustrated with the spending habits of a family member or friend. Tomorrow, you feel comfortable having important money conversations with those you care about.